Youth and Adult Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
Join us for Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Study. Every Wednesday, we meet in the social hall at 6:30 for dinner followed by worship and good conversation. Then, at 7:15, we attend our bible study classes, available for all ages. We divide into classes by age groups.
On the last Wednesday of every month, we have FUN NIGHT. Each months theme is different, but every Fun Night is a good time you don't want to miss!

Participate in our events and activities. Each one can help us Grow by encouraging us to Worship, Serve, Practice Discipleship, Fellowship and Share the Gospel. Join in and let God grow us.

Lets Grow this Church Year
Wednesday Bible Study
Meet in the Social Hall on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. Youth and Young Adults meet together, then divide into classes for Bible Study with Christian application. Everyone is invited to the church kitchen for snacks and fellowship.
Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 10am. Youth celebrate First Sundays each month by meeting in the Youth Room for breakfast, devotions, fellowship and fun. Just ask any Youth Worker and they will be happy to assist you to your class.
Let's grow throughout the year!

Check out Fuel's Bible Reading Blog SeekGrowLove.com for a daily devotion written by someone from our Fuel family. This year, we are exploring the Bible together and being encouraged by the fascinating topics in the Bible. Honor Him by getting in the word daily!
Get Together and Grow with God
Each time we get together in our groups we explore important and interesting information from the Bible. Classes, Small Groups and Junior Church cover different topics each week while discovering important Bible truths. Make Youth Meetings a part of your weekly schedule and bring your friends. We are learning to "Grow at the Grove".
View our "Growing" page for Journals that contain devotions with Challenges!
Your Serve
Millions of people from all over the country are volunteers. Donating our time to church events and for local charities is an important part of our Youth Ministry. Our Youth join in these projects to give us the opportunity to help others. We want to live out the commands of Christ and the greatest commandments to Love God with all that we are and to love others as we love ourselves. Show some love by serving.
Visit the Christian Education page to see what your age group should know from the Bible. Thanks to all those that have become home educators and teachers helping students to continue to learn. You are appreciated.