Youth Ministry Programs and Activities
We are blessed to have an active, dynamic youth ministry at Guthrie Grove. Here are some of the programs and activities that we offer throughout the year, but not all of them are mentioned here so please check out the church bulletins or the Guthrie Grove and Guthrie Grove Youth Facebook pages for current activities.
The Grove Youth Fellowship meets each Wednesday night at 6:30pm in the Grove Social Hall We have a time of Worship lead by our Youth Praise Team. Devotions, object lessons and other activities challenge students to make a positive impact in the church and community. Students dismiss to Bible Classes designed for each age group to discuss stories from the scriptures and life application.
Sunday Night Sessions meet in the Youth Room at 6:00pm. Enjoy games and a devotion explaining an important Bible truth. Bring Your Friends.
Personal Bible Study Encouraging our youth to study the word of God is one of the most important things that we can do. This year, TPYM has created a bible reading plan and devotional blog. We encourage students to take advantage of this resource, which will let them deepen their knowledge and faith in God.
Junior Church A Sunday morning worship service for children 4-8 years with music, bible stories, puppets, skits, music, crafts, etc. (Junior Church joins Worship Services for holidays throughout the year)
Service Projects are offered throughout the year. Our meeting times vary and are dependent on the needs of others which may include group outings or other activities. Collecting and organizing for the local food pantry, hunger relief packaging, and yard work for the elderly & shut-ins are a few examples of our service projects.
Ministry Teams Encourage each person to serve in an area of ministry using the God given talents and gifts with which God has blessed them. Youth can participate in a youth praise team, drama team, service or other areas of ministry. Speak with our Youth Director to volunteer.
Fun Nights These special theme nights are held on the last Wednesday of each Month. Each reinforces the positive elements that we have been studying and experiencing during the current month.
First Sunday Youth Sunday School classes combine in the Youth Room at 10am for a special time of fun and learning. Music and doughnuts are usually in the mix including some cool crafts that help us celebrate the special seasons of the year.
Southeast Fall Retreat This regional retreat allows youth to participate in Praise & Worship, Bible Classes, personal bible study, and hear from Speakers while enjoying the beautiful mountains in Blowing Rock, NC. Hosted by the Carolina Conference. (October weekend)
See You at the Pole asks students to meet at their school flagpole to pray—for their school, friends teachers, government, and their nation. SYATP is scheduled annually on the fourth Wednesday in September with a suggested starting time of 7 a.m.
Winter Youth Retreats are held for youth with a full program of activities that are conducted over weekends. Participants may attend ReFUEL in Indiana, a regional ski retreat hosted by the Carolina Conference, Refuge and lock-ins at Guthrie Grove.
Souper Bowl of Caring A community service project that allows students to collect non-perishable food items and monetary gifts for the local food pantry. (Collection ends on Super Bowl Sunday)
Southeast Youth Camp This week of camp allows youth to participate in Praise & Worship, Bible Classes, personal bible study, team building, etc. with a full schedule of activities including hiking and canoeing. Hosted by the Carolina Conference. (June)
Atlanta Bible College Invitational Students who may be interested in attending ABC, interested in taking distance learning/block classes or are just interested in knowing more about the college are given the opportunity to learn more about ABC and experience life on the campus and visit the local area. Students also participate in a service project. (March)
Acts of Random Kindness –ARK Month is held in April. Our youth are encouraged to plan and show acts of kindness to family, friends and everyone they meet as we concentrate on this important Fruit of the Spirit. Teams are encouraged to engage in service projects in our community.
National Day of Prayer is held in May. Our youth gather in a prayer circle to pray for our nation, our community and our church.
Career Night offers youth the opportunity to hear about careers from church members who are employed in different career fields. We have enjoyed hearing from members of our church who also work as a Pastor, Computer Programmer, Freelance writer, Pharmacist, Police Officer, Fire Fighters…
Graduates Sunday is held in honor of our college and high school graduates to recognize their personal academic accomplishments at the end of the school year.
Student Teaching Program Youth have the opportunity to teach age groups of their choice while working with a Youth Worker Mentor. This program encourages and equips students that desire to teach. It is open to youth that are 16 years and older. Internships and Service Learning are also offered to our High School and College Students.
Vacation Bible School brings to life Bible stories through songs, videos, drama, and classes while encouraging friendships, fellowship and outreach for our youth. This summer program is sponsored by the Sunday School Department. (June)
FUEL Youth Camp is a week long camp that allows our Senior Youth and church Youth Workers to build their personal relationship with God through worship and praise, classes and bible study while being a part of services, quizzing, and enjoying fellowship with other youth from across the nation. Held in Indiana. (July)
Visitation Night These Deacon sponsored nights give us the opportunity to join with a team and visit church members. We have enjoyed spending some time with those that are shut in or are recuperating. We have also helped individuals with yard work and chores. Contact any Youth Worker or a Deacon to sign up for these special events.
Spring Water Festival Activities are held on the 4th Saturday in August. This outreach to the community offers our youth the opportunity to meet members of the community in Williamston. A Christmas Display is created each year for the Christmas Park during the Holiday Season. We also participate in the Christmas Deck the Halls Tree event in the Williamston Municipal Center.
Light of the World Month This month allows the youth to live out the command given by Jesus to be the Light of the World. The youth look at the teachings of Christ and engage in practical ways to spread his light to others during the month of October.
Red Ribbon Week Activities and guest speakers promote drug awareness and enforce the positive attitudes in our youth that help them say no to illegal drug use. The congregation supports this effort by wearing red on Faith Sunday during this week long activity. (late October)
The Fall Festival is an outreach event for the community and church youth. This event provides a safe environment for youth to enjoy visiting booths and enjoy activities run by volunteer church members. (Held the last week of October.)
Marching for Missions During the month of March we discover the Missions work that is conducted around the globe and youth learn ways that they can spread the good news to other nations.
The UP Project This intensive summer service trip is held in July. Youth engage in various areas of service and discover and explore their God given talents.
The 30 Hour Famine provides students with the opportunity to grow closer to God and each other as they fast for 30 hours to raise awareness of global hunger. Students explore ways they can fight the problem of hunger.
Youth Appreciation Lunches provide an opportunity for our youth ministry to thank the congregation for their continued support. The financial and prayerful support of our volunteers enables our youth ministry to continue and thrive.
Youth Music Programs Praise Team offer opportunities to youth who wish to use their special talent of singing or playing an instrument to worship God. Youth are encouraged to participate in special music during the morning Worship Services. Volunteer through a Youth Worker or a Pastor.
Youth are also encouraged to take part in the local activities of the church including and not limited to Carolina Conference Meetings, Youth Programs given by the youth throughout the year and Special Meetings held in August.