Fuel 2016: Grow
We had a wonderful year at Fuel! This year, the theme was Grow. We learned so much about how to Grow our faith and how God works through...

UP Project 2016: Nashville, TN
We had a fantastic week at the UP Project. This year we traveled to Tennessee on the week of July 9th-15th to engage in local community...

Car Wash and Donut Sale
We were exhausted after spending a week at camp, but we had over 25 students from the youth group come out and help at the youth car wash...

South East Camp 2016: Victorious
We had an awesome week in Blowing Rock, NC this year! Our camp theme this year was Victorious, and throughout the week we learned about...

Cave Quest: Vacation Bible School 2016
The week of June 5th-10 was a great one at Guthrie Grove. We enjoyed Cave Quest, our VBS for 2016. The daily attendance was in the 120’s....

June 2016 @ a glance
We have a lot planned for this summer! Coming up this Sunday, June 5th, is First Sunday. Join us in the youth room at 10:00 am for...

Skate Day!
We had a blast at our Skating Party on May 29th! Thanks to all who helped plan this fun day!

May 2016 @ a Glance
This month has been jam packed as school is coming to a close and summer begins! We've had a great time fixing up Appalachian Advent...

February 2016 @ A Glance
Hey Everyone! We have so much planned for you this month! Make sure that you keep checking in every week to see updates on events as well...

How are you dedicating your days to God?
We had a wonderful campfire service this past Wednesday evening. Even in the heat of a South Carolina Summer, a campfire can provide a...